Tuesday, January 11, 2011


My good friend Sam Martin, posted this video today.

He titled it "Sticktoitiveness." Another friend chimed in that it would have been more of a "notworthitness" situation for her. It made me think about what sort of incident would turn me away from a sport I was passionate about.

I say that there is no way I would walk away from a sport I'm passionate about, which means that I must not be that passionate about rugby because today I decided that I am not going to play rugby this spring. I had previously intended to particpate with the Valkyries starting in the next few weeks, but my priorities have become focused.  I have decided to commit to CrossFit as my sport for the season. The risk of injury in rugby is too high to compromise my passion for competitive greatness in CrossFit. While every single wod is worth the possibility of it knocking me down, the team and learning aspects of rugby are not enough to overcome the possibility of a crushing tackle. CrossFit has the worthitness.

My focus now turns to training, recovery, and nutrition for CrossFit. And I do not see rugby making a positive enough impact on those areas. Perhaps the mental break would be beneficial to my CrossFit practice, plus the variety of activity. I'm drawing the line and preparing to hold myself to the expectations of the CrossFit Central Team.

I volunteered for a quasi-leadership/captainish role for the CC Team. It means a lot to me that the position was offered and that I was allowed to step up to the plate. Being a team leader has always been a huge part of my athletic experience and while I am far from being a leader competitively, taking an organizational role is entirely sufficient. This role also ties me more closely to the team in that I will be a part of the communication that takes place.

I've been doing double days since the beginning of December. We will see the worthitness through the next few weeks and into Sectionals.

1 comment:

  1. Powerful video, inspirational story. Sounds similar to someone I know.

    It's tough to let go of certain things, like moving away from one sport in order to focus on another, but being able to make a decision like that highlights why you belong on the CC Team. Sticktoitiveness is a big part of teamwork, and it's an even bigger part of leadership.

    As you said, "CrossFit has the worthitness." Your passion will carry you far.
