Tuesday, November 22, 2011

stride length

How long are the steps that you are taking?
Do you prefer baby steps or taking two stairs at a time?
Do you keep the same suicide pace from the get go or ramp up into the final 50m?
Do you ignore taking any steps at all and take the elevator to the top?
Do you take two steps forward, one step back, one to the side, three in a circle, and then two steps forward?
Or do you constantly vary your work rate and keep everyone guessing?

I would say, "It depends."

I recently cut 6 inches of length and buzzed a 6 square inch patch from the side of my hair.
I did it on a Tuesday, after talking about it for maybe a week.
I went all in- took it to a whole new level and jumped a whole flight of stairs.

September- I verbally committed to being a professional level CrossFitter and training towards competing as an individual.
Two weeks later- I told Jeremy Thiel that I couldn't make it to the required WOD time because of school and work commitments.
October 1st- I started consistently going to the 1PM Coaches Only/Dot Com workout 4 times a week.
October 8th- I formed a pact with Lisa Thiel "HDCP2012."
October 14th- I refilled my vitamin case for the first time since Regionals.
October 26th- I restocked on fish oil and post workout product from Stronger, Faster, Healthier.
November 7th- I joined Travis Holley's Strictly Strength class on Mondays and Wednesdays and joined the Coaches SWOD on Fridays.
November 20th- I returned to Next Level Chiropractic and Rehab to get treatment for put some muscles and joints into functioning order.
I took some interesting steps to getting fully into training again. I had to ease into it and ramp up accordingly. I'm stoked by the strides I've taken towards being a full time CrossFitter again.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Creating a new normal

"Every moment you have a choice – to be at peace or to be in resistance. When you are at peace you attract positive energy and when you resist you create negative vibes that reflect back on your being. It’s a simple choice and yet most people unconsciously choose to live in negativity.It’s not your boss, colleagues, parents, ex or the traffic, but your own perception that creates stress and negative energy. Circumstances are neutral. You will generate positive vibes when your inner state is one of alignment and congruence, instead of being resistive." 
-Sen from http://www.outofstress.com/attract-positive-energy/

I talked to one of the most easy going and positive people I know today, Elliot Schrock. As I have struggled with letting go of beat down workouts and imperfect planning, he reflected on the idea that we have to allow ourselves to adjust. I don't need to let down my standards or settle, but to be in a state of contentedness with where I am. To be ok with today because the sun will come up tomorrow. Another great post on this came from Becca Borawski and the CFLA Blog.  By accepting that today is exactly as it should be, that there is nothing more to be done, I can create a new sense of normalcy.

At the same time as I am choosing today ireality - I am working on another vision board. It's been about a year since I made my first one and it's time to update it. I will post pictures of the old one and the new one when it is done. This exercise is meant to bring positive intentions and focus for the future and to recognize when those visions become part of the new normal.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

5 week countdown

I am on a 5 week countdown for my second to last semester in Sport Management Graduate School.

Thus far I have taken classes in:
Human Resources
Organizational Behavior
Event Management
Strategic Management

Due before December 13th:
Simulation Report
Case Study
Research Report
Consultancy Project
Term Paper
Participation Memo
2 Finals

In the spring I plan to take:
Facilities Management
International Sport Governance
Legal Issues in Sport Advertising
And present my Internship...

Where will I go from there?

Will this masters degree be a launching pad for a successful career in the sport industry? Will I rise through the ranks of Intercollegiate Athletics to become the first female Athletic Director of a Division 1 University to rank in the top 10 highest paid? Will I change the face of USA Track and Field by designing new legislation on doping? Will I establish a wildly popular CrossFit competition planning business that hosts the most exciting CrossFit events nation wide? Will I establish a campaign to decrease the 33% of obese adult Americans? Will I establish a non-profit group that raises money for endocarditis awareness? Will I dive into something  completely unexpected or never put this degree to use?